Now Celebrating 14 years of Operation
von BachHaus Kennel German shepherds was established in 2007.
At von BachHaus Kennel German Shepherds, we pride ourselves in the fact that for the past fourteen years we have bread some of the finest Shepherd’s available. We strive to protect and shall continue do our best to improve the breed of the German Shepherd. Doing so by being very selective in the Dam and Sire we choose to breed together. With this success has made us the largest breeder of AKC German Shepherd puppies in North and South Carolina.
Breeding high quality parents equates to strong German & Czech Republic show line and working line puppies that are Summerwood Farm NC, LLC (dba) von BachHaus Kennel.

V Constantine Attila von BachHaus
Our most German Titled German Shepherd that began von BachHaus Kennel.
BH, AD, SchH3, IPO3, FH2, KkL1
Attila was the from the first litter we ever produced. His father Ron was the North American Schutzhund 3 Champion. His Mother Akita was Schutzhund 1. Both Parents are/were German Titled IPO Imports.
Titled in Germany
At 15 months of age Attila was sent and titled in Germany. After 15 long months of training competition Attila returned to Raeford to begin our4 selective Breeding Program. Attila’s son, V Constantine Son of Attila von BachHaus obtained his IPO3 title also.

In our perfect world, every German Shepherd would have a loving home and every home would have a German Shepherd.

The Corporate Kennel Facility
1335 Foxfire Road
Ashboro, North Carolina, 27205
Proud Owner – Breeder – Importer – Whelping
Patrick Waddell
Cell/Text: 336-964-1782